
Saturday, September 23, 2006

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic - The Ultimate Guide | Copyblogger

One popular question on Yahoo! Answers is How do I get people to come to my website?

Usually, the question is asked regarding search engines.

For blogs, however, search engines might not be the main way people find your weblog.

The page below has tons of resources for those in the world who want to be very ePopular.

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic - The Ultimate Guide | Copyblogger

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7 Ways to Get to the Top of the Popular Page

The reasons for keeping a blog are varied.

If you are keeping a blog strictly as a persona journal or for friends to look at, you probably do not care if anyone ever bothers to look at it.

If you are writing to improve your own writing skills - then you may not care if other people read it, but you might like to get a little feedback so you can improve by getting some helpful tips.

If you are writing for ego-gratification, fame, money, or unimagined possibilities ...well, then you probably want to make sure your posts get tracked at sites like:,,, and Slashdot.

How can you do that?

Well, the Pro Blogger has some ideas.

7 Ways to Get to the Top of the Popular Page:
While I haven%u2019t done an in depth study into - it is interesting to note the type of links that consistently get to the top of the popular page. Here are seven of the characteristics that are often present in these popular links

It is interesting that as young as blogging is - only a little over half a decade old, I think - it is already getting analyzed and optimized for bigger payoffs.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Technorati Discover - what bloggers are saying about Tech

I found a handy - and very attractive - set web pages this evening called Technorati Discover. It has a specific page about Tech. I think it is pretty cool.

They cover topics such as: Gadgets, Blogging, Software, and [graphics] Design - as well as Technology in general.

It is a little viewport on the world's thoughts on several pop tech areas at the moment.

Take a look at what some of the hot topics are today.

Gadgets is covering Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath and $100,000 Bulletproof Toilet.

Blogging gives recognition to a new WordPress plugin for SNAP.

Software talks about Digg as a Game, RapidWeaver: Filling the WSIIWYG Void, and advises Sick Of Windows XP? Delete It!.

The top design posts asks Who says index cards are boring?, a TROFE Mug from IKEA, and The Collegiate Green Wave and the Campus Climate..., as its special features of the moment.

In addition to spotlighting 3 very popular blog posts under each of the categories above, this page also has links to more blogs on those topics.

Technorati Discover:
Discover what people are saying about Tech

When the web was first created about a decade and a half ago, its designer/inventor had a particular goal in mind. He wanted people writing about a particular subject area - physics - to be able to communicate/collaborate with each other better.

The web turned into something that lets everyone communicating with everyone else about everything better - at least as far as written/visual mediums go.

What this Technorati page shows is what people are most successfully communicating about at the moment.

It is kind of dynamic status metadata about certain subject areas - summarized down to just a few interesting writings. Kind of as if the web was a liquid medium, and this is what bubbles up.

Sunday, September 03, 2006 10 Steps to a Videoblog

These are instructions for fast and simple video blogging by a buy who was featured on Google Blogspot's Blogs of Note recently. 10 Steps to a Videoblog:
In response to those who asked how I made that last video, here are the 10 steps I take to videoblog quickly

Clearly, this Dominic guy is a technical and artistic/creative genius, but he writes down his steps in simple, easy terms. There are only 10 steps and they are very short.

Also, it is obvious that he owns a Macintosh.

It blows my mind that people will spend $700 on a new DV camcorder, but they will not spend the $599 they need to get a Macintosh (software included!) so that they can edit their digital video. The Apple iMovie video editor and iDVD DVD-mastering/burning software is a terrific combo, and it is free with any new Mac.

Ditto for people who spend $399 on the latest digital camera, plus $99 for a really great photo printer - but they won't spend the $599 it takes to get a great computer - a Mac - which comes with iPhoto for free.

Only Apple makes video, photo, and music recording/editing/publishing software that is so good that professionals use it, so easy little kids use it, and so affordable that they include it with your computer when you buy it from Apple or an Apple retailer.

Some people are born to have something to post on MySpace or a blog, others are just destined to read it and watch it.

It is sad because this is 2006 and the software applications needed to edit, produce, and publish video are quite easy to use now - at least on the Mac.

You should not buy a state of the art image/photo/video recording device - and then try to use it with ten year old software. Apple refreshes practically all their software every year. In rare cases, they go a year and a half.

You will not see (c) 2001 on all your program's screens if you buy a Mac.

What you will be able to do is follow Dominic's 10 simple instructions for producing a video.

Considering how many movies, birthday parties, tourist/siteseeing vacations you will go on in the next 3 years, wouldn't you like to be able to do that?

ZD-Net video explaining RSS purpose/usage

Here is an explanation of RSS that anyone can understand.

RSS packages up blogs, e-newsletters and research -- offering a simplified way to receive information.

RSS is great for bloggers because they, or other people, can read/skim their blogs much, much faster using RSS than HTML.

The HTML page looks better, but it is harder for a human - or a computer - to scan through quickly.

People can still get to the real HTML page from its entry in an RSS item. They simply have to click a link, and the page loads and displays in their browser.

It is not so much a change in reading as in finding out about what to read.

People publishing an RSS feed generally do not learn your email address, so they cannot spam you - or sell/lose your email address to spammers who will. That is a key advantage of RSS feeds over subscribing to email lists.

Virtually all blogging services/sites support the capability to offer an RSS feed to your blog.

I find RSS extremely helpful to keep track of what I have written myself in my blogs.

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