
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

switched over to the new Blogger tonight

I switched over to the new version of Blogger tonight.

I figured since it is finally out of Beta, it is safe to jump in.

The Blogging client I use, MarsEdit, is supposed to get updated to use the new authentication scheme. I just checked, and according to VersionTracker there is no updated version yet. I am using the March 2006 release of MarsEdit. I guess I will have to check their website, and if there is no word on an update - then just try the version I have and see what happens.

I did a cursory check of a couple of my existing blogs here, and they appear to look okay.

That is a big relief because I probably spend the equivalent of a full weekend fiddling with the formats of some of them, so the CSS and the templates looked just right.

I like the new Blogger dashboard. It is much nicer than before. Also, I see as I enter this post that there is finally a tagging feature. I have been wishing for that at this site for a long time.

Well, it looks like this could be the start of something really cool. Hope MarsEdit is coming along for the ride.

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